1 min read


Lessons In Tariffs!

In honor of trump voters being incredibly stupid and not realizing that electing him would ruin their own lives, we are introducing a new series called, “How Did Trump Voters Screw Themselves Over Today?” The title pretty much describes what to expect, but I am sure the actual details will be quite interesting, occasionally very obvious, and sometimes unique and surprising.

The first example is from Pennsylvania a mere 24 hours after trump officially won the election. A manufacturing company announced to their trump voting employees that their Christmas bonuses would be canceled! 


Well because the company had to spend that money to buy a year’s worth of imported supplies for the company to avoid the potential tariffs that would cripple them if they had to buy the supplies once trump’s giant tax plan is implemented.

Good job trumpers! You get to learn about the stupidity of trump’s tariff ideas in real time and have a worse Christmas because you refused to listen to the countless people who told you they were a terrible idea.